Sunday 29 April 2012

Library Footage

Majoirty of my library footage is news reports and footage from the day of September 11th. The reason why I decided to use these clips is because I felt that they would not only remind people of what they were witnessing live on TV on tuesday September 11th 2001 but for them to remember what they were feeling when they saw the planes crash into the twin towers the feeling of "this can't be happening" and then that feeling of disbelief when they realised how many people had lost their lives, that whilst they were going about their normal days four planes were being hijacked.

The audience first hear an audio clip from Fox News which reported that "A plane has crashed into the World Trade Center". I used live footage because it captures the news reporters reactions to seeing the towers on fire and witnessing the second plane hit the south tower, again this highlights peoples disbelief that this happening especially as the audience see that initially news reporters believed it was a small commuter plane and that it was a freak accident. 

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