Friday, 9 September 2011

A2 Documentary - Idea 'What Comes Next.....?'

What Comes Next......? This is the big question what happens next to people, where do people go. Everyday at school, work and in the street people walk past one another and yet do not interact with one another. It is human nature to people watch but what you never get from that person is their past, their history as they say 'everyone has a past' everyone has a story to tell no matter how tragic, happy or inspiring but what does come next for that person.

In my documentary I will be looking into people's past whether it be tragic or happy, the concept is to know something about somebody that very few people know about them, find out how it has changed their lives and to then ask the question "What comes next...?".

The documentary is to engage the audience in to the realisation that we all share this world together and that there have been events in people's lives that have changed their lives for good, changed the direction their life was taking and how they have had to change their life. Everyday we walk past these people in the street, at work or at school and yet have no realistion of what has happened to them, and what their next move, 'What Comes Next....?'

'Who Do You Think You Are' is a BBC One documentary that explores celebrities family trees and uncover events that have impacted on their family through the generations. It is this concept that I will be using for my documentary.

My documentary will be mainly filmed as a one to one interview rather than the person being interviewed speaking to other people. But will follow the same concept as 'Who Do You Think You Are' by exploring the interviewees life and covering events that have changed their life and made them "the person they are today"

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